Wednesday, November 11, 2009
well its Remmberance day here in Canada lest we forget the good soldiers and veterans that died for our freedom. they are in my throughts and prayers as they fight for the one thing that makes our country so unbelievable.... freedom
like the amazing movie 300 puts it, " that freedom isnt free at all, but paid with the highest cost... the cost of blood" these men fight and die to give us the things we hold the most dear and near to our hearts
for freedom of speech, and expression, the freedom to marry whoever we want, the freedom to be what we want, the freedom to live how we want. Is all paid with the cost of lives. I thank God everyday that we beat hitler, I dont even want to think what kind of a world we would have lived in if he was allowed to remain as "ruler"
I know I definitely wouldnt be living.
so from the bottom of my heart... thank you military people for all you do.
in other news, work sucks... I'm scared they are going to lay me off. It needs to get super cold here super fast if I have any hope to retain my job.
and my apartment is infested with fruit flies... thats right , fruit flies
I have beein trying to lure them into a cup of balsamic vinegar to kill there asses with not much luck. I dont have any rotting food or fruit around to snack on so who knows where they are getting their vitamins....
I just want them gone... bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Fruit flies??? lol of all the things that can invade your house lmao
I hope they're gone soon!
And very good post btw ;)
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