Wednesday, November 18, 2009
so its been awhile, life apparently is crazzzzy in november....
I dont know if it should because its NOvember... haha get it lol?... I'm such a nerd... kay.
anyways i decided something really important the last week or so being blogless and super crazy busy.... I think its pretty climatic in my life
I am going to apply to university for fall term.
this very thought evokes all kinds of worries and doubts, but I know that if I never do it, if I dont at least try to attain a degree ... I will feel like a failure to the tenth degree.
do I think ill get in? I dont know... I'm a mature student so different thinks apply.... but thats only half of it
will I get accepted for a line of credit?..... yet again a big I dont know, and thats the big one, since if I cant get the funding, there is no way that I could ever live, and go to school without it.... ever.
I live with my boyfriend, theres rent to pay, food to be eaten for survival plus tuition, books, etc etc.
but I wont know, If I dont try... and its important to me, I know it is....... I just hope I can get it....
I wish you the best of luck! Don't give up! If this is something you believe in you MUST follow your heart!!!
What is your major going to be?
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