Sunday, December 20, 2009


Well as many bloggers out there are doing around this time., they are writing what they have learned this last year. all the hardships, all the joy in a neat little blog package

I decided to be lame as well and do the same. pretty much a freeze frame on my life for a split second ,recap it , and savor it like a fine wine and write down my hopes and dreams for the new year.

Things that have changed me and my life as I know it in 2009

  • I have found my wonderful boyfriend stu, who changes me for the better every single day . before him I was definitely ms. grumples... now not so much.
  • I discovered rachel ray, and thus have cooked more this year than any other time in my life.
  • because of my large amount of cooking, I have gained at least 10 pounds... urgh it could be the wine too
  • I discovered my loveeeee <3>julie and julia the movie changed my life... hatttted the book.
  • I discovered taoism, and I owe it all to that silly ole bear winnie the pooh.

basically. best year of my life. I have never laughed, loved, ate , drank, and just been as happy and as healthy as I have felt this last year... I honestly feel that the extra weight gain... was alll worth it.

but its all over folks, 2010 is still going to be year of awesome but with some major differences.....

well the only change will be the loss of my 10 pounds of "happiness" with the help of my dad's trusty new treadmill.

other than that I hope its exactly like this year... exactly.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the year's been so good to you!
And Julie and Julia was what inspired me to take up blogging!!!